Zone In on Your Planting Place

If you have ever struggled with growing magnificent blooms and leafy vegetation, your issue might not be watering, fertilizing, or even plant placement; instead, it’s likely that you aren’t choosing the proper plants for your area. Don’t know what I’m talking about? All plants are registered with the USDA and divided around the country based on climate and growing conditions. This is called a Planting or Hardiness Zone (see map below!).

This map is split into 13 different zones, separated by a 10°F range. Each plant has a low-temperature hardiness zone, meaning it can survive the coldest temperatures in that geographic location. If a plant is not meant for your zone, it may die due to heat or frost. Figuring out which zone you’re in and what plants work well there will help you to successfully grow perennials, landscaping trees, and shrubs!

Zone 1 (-60° to -50°):  This is the coldest zone in America, encompassing the northernmost parts of the US and central Alaska. What can even grow in these freezing temps? Hardy plants like creeping Jenny and Siberian iris, as well as birch trees and aspens. There really is something for everyone! 

Zone 2 (-50° to -40°): This is also a relatively cold area, which includes only north and central Alaska. A few plants best for this area include okra, flossflower, and paper birches, as well as other hardy trees.

Zone 3 (-40° to -30°): States that border Canada (northern Montana, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Upstate New York, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine) all fall within Zone 3. It is slightly warmer here, but you still need the hardiness of cold-tolerant plants for the winter months. Plants and trees that do well are cherry trees, hostas, and sugar maples.

Zone 4 (-30° to -20°): States like Idaho, Wyoming, and South Dakota fall into Zone 4 hardiness levels. Suitable plants include daylilies, forsythias, and carrots.

Zone 5 (-20° to -10°): This zone includes Colorado, Nebraska, and Iowa in its main coverage, as well as northern Illinois, Indiana, New York, Massachusetts, and Pennsylvania. Bulbs like tulips, daffodils, and lilies do well, as do other plants like lavender and salvia.

Zone 6 (-10° to 0°): This zone bands the middle of the country, going through the eastern border of Colorado and New Mexico, across Kansas, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, Ohio, West Virginia, southern Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, and Connecticut. Zone 6 is the largest zone in America and includes many states. Tomatoes, common boxwoods, and coneflowers are excellent plants for these areas.

Zone 7 (0° to 10°): This is the zone where plants become slightly less hardy due to the warmer temperatures: Arizona, New Mexico, northern Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Tennessee, and North Carolina. Dogwoods, oakleaf hydrangeas, and contorted hazelnut trees are common plants that grow well.

Zone 8 (10° to 20°): Zone 8 plants prosper in the coastal regions of Washington State, Oregon, and northern California. This zone also spans central Texas, Georgia, Alabama, South Carolina, and parts of North Carolina. This is also my zone, and the one I know most about. Most of the plant pictures on my social media channels come from Zone 8! Some of my favorites include gardenias, hydrangeas, and peonies.

Zone 9 (20° to 30°): This zone includes Arizona, East Texas, Louisiana, Florida, and parts of California. One of my favorite plants—the orchid—thrives in this area! Other plants that do well are fuchsias and eucalyptus species.

Zone 10 (30° to 40°): This area has a higher average year-round temperature than the previous zones. Florida, Arizona’s Mexico border, and the southern tip of California are the states that make up this zone. Poinsettias, succulents, and birds-of-paradise love this region’s heat.

Zone 11 (40° to 50°): This zone is relatively small, covering only Los Angeles, San Diego, and Miami. Plants that love it here are aloe vera, cannas, and agaves. These places can be tricky for plants; make sure to study your local humidity levels to ensure your plants can withstand the heat.

Zone 12 (50° to 60°): This area represents part of the Hawaiian Islands and Puerto Rico. Plants in Zone 12 must be extremely heat-resistant. Elephant ears, amaryllis, and pineapples flourish.

Zone 13 (60° to 70°): This zone also includes the Hawaiian Islands and Puerto Rico. Coconut palms, avocados, and lantana can survive well.

I hope this helps when you head to your local nursery to select plants this month! This list isn’t fully detailed and doesn’t include the “a” and “b” aspects of the various zones, so if you want to know more, simply tune into our social media channels. We’ll help you learn more about picking the perfect plants for your location! 

Celebrate National Gardening Day on April 14 by planting something new and colorful in your beds! Most warmer zones in the southern and middle US have an April 15 frost-free date, so you should be safe to plant. If you are in a colder climate, for instance Zones 1-5, wait a bit longer to dig outdoors. Start seeds indoors, and keep them warm and watered until your frost-free date arrives, then transplant them outside.

Happy Spring Gardening! 


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