Bloom Report, Vol. 003

A Weekly Bouquet of Inspiration

Welcome to week three of The Bloom Reportwhere I’m sharing all my best gardening tips from the past week, answering your most frequently asked questions, shopping inspiration and more! Read on to catch up on all the good stuff from this past week!

Ten Steps to spring containerS

Earlier this month, I had the absolute joy of sharing my tablescapes at the Columbia Garden Club Spring Symposium. This week I shared my ENTIRE presentation from event so you can watch it at home!

In the video, I share more about my personal background and how I got started in the gardening world—including what Tommy and I promised each other when we got married, and LOTS more.

I also plant a spring container on stage, showing you a live step-by-step of how I like to plant my containers. It was so fun!

Now, it’s an hour-long video, so be prepared! But it’s perfect thing to listen to while you’re multitasking in your garden!

At the end there is a Q&A section with myself and the other presenters where we answer SO MANY great gardening questions. There is so much to learn in one video! It is packed with great information any gardener will enjoy.

Looking for new ways to water your garden this year? Click here to discover all my favorite watering essentials!

It’s almost time to prune your Limelights!

You should wait about two weeks before your frost-free date to prune Limelights. It can depend on the weather, but typically prune Limelights right before they start leafing out.

Please Note! Do NOT prune other types of pink and purple hydrangeas or you’ll chop off all their beautiful emerging blooms!

When can we start planting this year?

I use the Farmer’s Almanac to find my frost-free date!

Just a little FYI 💚

* Light freeze: 29° to 32°F (-1.7° to 0°C)—tender plants are killed.
* Moderate freeze: 25° to 28°F (-3.9° to -2.2°C)—widely destructive to most vegetation.
* Severe freeze: 24°F (-4.4°C) and colder—heavy damage to most garden plants.

My Favorite Spring Container Recipes!

Spring Container RecipeS

These container collections have become one of my absolute favorite projects to curate for y’all, so I am thrilled to share the Spring Has Sprung Container Collection! We’ve put together a lovely set of six containers that are perfect for pretty much any gardening zone.

Your Handpicked Highlights from Carmen

Shop my Amazon Favorites!

Shop my Amazon storefront for chic + practical finds to pretty up your home inside and out! Every pick is personally bought and tested by me—no false advertising, just fabulous finds you can trust!


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How to Plant a Spring Container