All You Need to Know About Planting Fall Ferns

I always love visiting my friends over at Thunderwood Farms to talk about ferns! I love, love, love ferns in all shapes and sizes, and Lanie was the perfect person to share in my excitement for these beauties. Fall is the very best time to plant ferns, because it gives the plants a chance to establish their roots before the leaf growth of spring and summer. Most ferns are evergreen and will stay beautiful throughout autumn. Also, ferns are—for the most part—deer-resistant! Now, if they are hungry enough, they might nibble, but most ferns will remain untouched by your forest neighbors. My motto for ferns is: “The more you love them, the less they love you.” Ferns need little attention, especially during fall and winter. Once planted in the fall, your fern will want some space as it focuses its attention on creating a stable root system. As spring and summer roll around, it’s then time to give ferns a little fertilizer and love to help them jump-start into the new season.

These ferns are perfect for fall planting!

Our first fall fern is the Southern River Wood or Southern Shield Fern. In my video about these guys, I highlight two variations, both called the Southern Shield Fern. It is an evergreen, giving you great green shades throughout winter’s cold temps. These ferns, and most that we highlight, thrive best in Zones 7-8 and below, as they don’t need to get below 0°F. If you are growing these beauties farther north, they do well as an annual plant or in a container. They don’t require much water and really thrive in a shady corner of your garden. They can handle a little sun, but not too much! The more sun they get, the lighter the leaves will become. In the ground, they can grow waist-high, up to 4 feet tall! I grow these ferns in a container by my back door, and they do so well with little attention. Whenever I need them, they are there to provide great clippings for arrangements! 

The Ribbon Fern is another favorite, and it really thrives across Zone 8A. These ferns can get very large if you let them! Fern expert Lanie remembers her grandmother having a giant one that she would leave outside during the warm months and then enjoy indoors during the winter! As the seasons change, the green on these gorgeous leaves will adjust their colors accordingly. 

Next up is the Autumn Fern, with the perfect name to be on our fall ferns list! This one is a favorite among landscapers due to its wide frond base and large size. This one can grow up to 4 feet tall, as well. It is an evergreen but—in the spring—its leaves can take on an orange-y bronze hue. Autumn Ferns make for great layers in a container garden. They are a perfect pick for beginning gardeners!

The Holly Fern is a gorgeous emerald beauty and, again, its name lends to its affinity for the winter season. It’s easy to grow and lasts as a bright green garden addition throughout the colder months. It can grow larger as well, depending on the size of the container it is in. The clippings of Holly Ferns make for great additions to your holiday arrangements. 

Ferns are the garden addition you need to plant now. As the temps continue to drop, make sure you get your ferns in the ground before the first frost to allow them time to root before growing to new heights. Watch my full video on YouTube for all the fern details, and follow along @CarmenJohnstonGardens on Instagram and Facebook for daily garden tips!


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